Founding Director

Erika A. Kiss is the Founding Director of the UCHV Film Forum and the UCHV Research Film Studio at Princeton University. Kiss has studied history, literature and linguistics in Hungary (B.A., M.A.) and comparative literature at Harvard University (M.A., Ph.D.). She was a member of the Department of Medieval and Modern Languages at the University of Oxford and a fellow of Balliol College, Oxford. She is a co-founder of Germany’s first private English-language liberal arts college, the European College of Liberal Arts (ECLA) – now Bard College, Berlin. As ECLA’s first Principal and CEO, she raised funds for it, secured its current campus, designed and successfully implemented its year-long interdisciplinary curriculum in intellectual history and the liberal arts. In Princeton, Kiss has developed studio-style university courses in new fields such as Critical Film Curation and Environmental Film Studies. Kiss’s main research agenda is building an original architectonic rhetoric in the interface of verbal and geometrical persuasion.